
There are multiple reasons to consult an Osteopath. It can be for a structural or muscular pain, a pinched nerve or for a local inflammation. The Osteopath in all cases will proceed to restore the normal movements of the tissues and fluids, by lifting the blockages. This is done with gentle motions in the direction of ease. The process is helped by an extensive knowledge of the human anatomy and it’s functionality paired with an acute capacity to palpate the expression of life in the body.

Marie-Paule was a registered nurse before becoming an osteopath. She studied at the Collège d’Étude Ostéopathique of Montreal. She holds an Osteopath diploma and works in this field since 2009. She emits receipts from Ostéopathie Quebec reimbursed by Insurance Companies.

Days of consultation:

  • Tuesday: 9am to 5pm
  • Wednesday: 9am to 5pm
  • Thursday: 9am to 5pm

Contact Information:


Phone: (450) 288-3913